Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Equinox Ponies?

So, I recently heard of ANOTHER part of My Little Pony fandom that someone suggested. Equinox Ponies. Lemme just say, It. Is. Scawy. ಠ_ಠ

They've got all new names for the ponies, including:

Twilight Sparkle, AKA Dimmed Star

Dull Star, AKA Rainbow Dash

Spiderlock, AKA Fluttershy (So Scawy O_O)

And a whole lot more.

So, who else knows Equinox Ponies?

What is Your Favorite Song In EXO Overdose Album?

Alright, So whats your's?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Elements of Insanity 0-0

Elements of Insanity Is AWESOME O-O

So, next time you get the chance, watch this 20 Minute clip.

It features "Insane" ponies, including:

Brutalight Sparcake


Rainbine (My Personal Favorite XD)


Apple Pills

DerpiGun!! 6_9

And last but not least, Pinkis Cupcake

So, Yeah! Pretty Cool...

I found a cool Pic of them as Equestria Girls:

They've also got this Elements of Harmony V.S. Elements of Insanity 
thing going on as well. Preety cool XDD

Anyways, go ahead and comment what other cool parts of the fandom I don't know.